you started your business because you wanted more outta life

So why do you feel like you’re chained to your laptop?






You’re DONE with “productivity”

You’re so ready

You want THAT feeling - free, flexible and like you have the time to do whatever you want, whenever TF you want. Because now that you’re the boss of you - you’re so ready to live like you are.

but something’s not working

You’ve tried every single productivity strategy out there, but not one single day has ever gone to plan and you end up feeling like ‘being productive’ died with your corporate career.

You TECHNICALLY have more time on paper, but your to-do list is like a bullet-point version of War & Peace - and because everything’s a priority, you end up just picking something (anything) to get done and hoping for the best.

Meanwhile your motivation is taking a cliff-dive one day, soaring through the clouds the next. You feel like being able to estimate when you’ll have something done by is like trying to decipher binary code.

And deep down, you’ve always known…

You’ve got it in you to make this thing WORK. Hell, more than work - to make it into something that gives you the time freedom and lifestyle you WANT.

You know you were born for MORE than feeling like you’re working every spare minute you have, feeling behind, feeling stressed and like you’re dealing with 17 bosses instead of the one you left behind in your 9-5.

there’s a new productivity era

The kind where you wake up knowing exactly what you need to do that day to get you where you want to go - and when you’re done?

You’re done, babe.

No more juggling your laptop with spaghetti sauce while you multi-task dinner.

No more side-eyeing your kids while you ‘just quickly send another email’.

No more waking up feeling behind before you’ve even started.

Instead, you’re working the hours you WANT to work every single week. You’ve got plenty of time for breaks, rest, days off AND you’re FINALLY bringing your big goals to life.

It’s your turn for time freedom

Every single woman who’s bold enough to start and grow her own business deserves to LIVE with freedom, fun AND making shit happen (instead of feeling like you’re playing a losing game against the clock every single day).

I help time-seeking solo business owners just like you who want effortlessly productive days - without relying on motivation.

productivity coaching


My intensive 1:1 deep-dive sessions help time-seeking solopreneurs create wildly productive days that feel effortless, free and fun - without motivation or rigid schedules.


If you want everything I’ve learned about how to work less hours with better results, productivity, motivation, procrastination, time freedom, creativity and MORE...

the productivity project podcast

The podcast helping solo entrepreneurs and service providers who want to learn how to leverage the power of freedom-based productivity to achieve their goals - and live the free and flexible life they started their business for.

I cover ALL the things when it comes to time, productivity, motherhood, life and solo business ownership. Think of each episode as your weekly date with your productivity hype girl (who knows you don’t have to handcuff yourself to your desk to get things done).

Each week, you’ll learn how to harness the power of mindset combined with strategic tools that work for YOU to leave you feeling more productive, less stressed and with more time than you’ve ever had before.

get your sh*t done in less time now

business productivity coach

it all starts now

You can create the time freedom you crave