productivity for business owners



You’re finally here.

I can’t WAIT to help you craft your very own journey all the way to time freedom. I help time-seeking solo business owners just like you who want effortlessly productive days - without relying on motivation.

neutral window create more time

What he said stopped me cold.

I was 6 months in to my second stint as a Virtual Assistant running my own business while being a Mum to two little people.

I felt like I had ZERO time. Worse, I felt like I was grappling daily with a mountainous wave of tasks that never seemed to get done, no matter how many things I ticked off.

I remember working away at my laptop one night, tapping away next to my husband on the couch when he looked at me and said, “do you think this business thing is really making you happy?”

It stopped me dead in my tracks. Mid-tap. Fingers hovering.

As a mum to two little girls, I’d started my business as a way to generate income AND create flexibility and free time to spend with my family. But even though I was technically billing less hours, I was working more than I ever had in my corporate life.

laptop flatlay entrepreneur

I just didn’t get it

I wanted to work less, but…

I felt like if I stopped working, or didn’t work in every available hour I had, I’d fall behind and never achieve the dreams and goals I had for my business and life

I tried time blocking, prioritising, goal setting, lists, Pomodoro, planners and all my go-to productivity methods but none of them ever seemed to create lasting change

I felt pulled in so many different directions and struggled to know what to focus on first or where to start when it came to actually achieving my big goals

I just didn’t see how any of it was possible when everything rested with me and only me

Then it hit me…

After months of serious scrolling, journaling, researching and listening to aaaall the podcasts…

01 | true productivity should feel like freedom

Trading the endless busy work for 3pm beach trips. Monday morning yoga classes. Fridays off. #yesplease

02 | it’s knowing exactly how to make the most of the time you spend at your desk…

Without chaining yourself to it. No one ever started a business because they wanted to work 50 hour weeks.

03 | learning how to make your time work for you is the ultimate hack

To create impact. To make waves. To leave a lasting legacy. Without burning yourself out.

Hey, I’m Kat

  • I procrastinated my way through a long and de-llustrious (the opposite of illustrious) career in marketing after I studied journalism at uni - and couldn’t quite figure out what to do next.

  • I burnout-quit a corporate role while living in London and started working as a private Personal Assistant to a portfolio of upper class Brits.

  • Fast forward 7 years and I was back in Sydney, married with two fierce and fearless little girls, once again quitting my corporate job (do we see a pattern here?) - this time starting my own business.

And that, friends, was when my time freedom completely disappeared. Honestly.

I was working so hard and so MUCH, and I felt like I was moving further and further away from the reasons I’d started my business in the first place.

I wanted to burn it all down to the ground.

But I knew going back to a 9-5 wasn’t the answer. I knew I wanted to create something of my own that felt like the time freedom I’d seen others living, but I just didn’t know how.

So I made it my OBSESSION to learn everything I could about productivity, mindset and the way we manage our time.

productivity tips

Effortless productivity for service providers

I created a framework that let me enjoy truly productive days.

A system completely unique to me - and one where I wasn’t waiting around for my (usually scarce) motivation to show up or banking on how ‘creative I felt’ that day.

I want to tell you something. Your value is not measured by what you get done in a day.

Your happiness does not come from ticking things off a to-do list, or packing more things into the hours you do have.

But the lightness, the ease, the freedom that comes from knowing WHAT you need to do to get you where you want to go, WHEN you’ll get it done and HOW to make it happen?

That’s where time freedom lives. Not in a rigid schedule. Not in a spreadsheet. Not in a time block. Not in a to do list.

Time freedom lives in feeling easefully able to spend more time with the people you love, doing the things you love, creating things that set you on fire and be the best damn version of, well, YOU.

Because, babes, we only get one go at being us.




Just you, me and your to-do list, friend. Ready to get sh*t done and work less?



THE podcast for solo business owners who want to create more time, work less and live more.



Wanna work 5 hours LESS every single week (for good) in just 5 days?

productivity online business

LOVE notes

“Kat is an absolute legend. She’s truly dedicated to helping online business owners achieve without burning themselves out working all their spare hours, and she makes a mean vegetable lasagne.”