Your business can feel spacious, aligned and profitable - without you working every damn minute of every single day.

(because, seriously, ain’t none of us here for that)


Does this sound like you?

✓ You’re a solo-ish business owner craving more time, freedom and flexibility, but you start every single day feeling constantly behind (even before you get out of bed)

✓ You’ve tried aaaaaall the productivity strategies out there, but not one single day has ever gone to plan and you end up feeling like ‘being productive’ is just another thing you have to ‘do’

✓ You’re tired of working all the hours and you desperately want to stick to the boundaries you set for yourself, but you can’t shake the feeling that you’ll never be able to catch up

✓ You’ve invested in course after course and program after program, but they’ve just become another thing collecting dust on your digital shelf because you don’t have the time to actually do the work…



You wake up knowing exactly what you need to do…

… to achieve those big, dreamy, one-day goals

Imagine this…


You have a simple, feels-like-you process on how…

… to get what you need to do done, in the least amount of time


You have plenty of time for rest, your health and days off…

…without stressing about catching up on everything later

waitlist now open

the bandwidth blueprint

My flagship membership program helping service providers just like you create time-rich businesses working at least 5 hours less every single week, without comprimising on quality, increasing profitability and FINALLY achieving their one day goals.

productivity coaching


1:1 productivity sessions

90 minute intensive 1:1 deep-dive sessions with ONE GOAL - to help you develop a fully customised productivity roadmap for your work day.

  • Work five hours a week less

  • Increasing Time Profitability (aka your time invested : revenue generated ratio)

  • A step-by-step roadmap to help you finally achieve your one-day goals

kat hunter productivity testimonial

LOVE notes

“Kat, you are SO good to have in our corner. We can’t WAIT to see what unfolds for us in the next few months! This is EXACTLY what we need.”

- Tash + Nikki

get your sh*t done in less time now